Monday, August 30, 2010

POWERPOINT & Windows movie Maker

Powerpoint !!!

PowerPoint is a presentation software program that is part of the Microsoft Office package.
PowerPoint uses a graphical approach to presentations in the form of slide shows that accompany the oral delivery of the topic. This program is widely used in business and classrooms and is an effective tool when used for training or educational purposes.

As a primary school student myself we learnt what there was to know about powerpoints, however I did not fully comprehend the possibilities of powerpoint.In my opinion powerpoint is used or has been used to a great extent but only ever scratching the surface of its potential.In my 2nd year of university I came across powerpoint in the context of creating a game show based upon the theme of scientific classification. As a third term subject we had to create a learning tool that would help us teach something to do with a scientific subject.Although the powerpoint became a bit tedious to create, the effort to create it was worth it.Being in a prep classroom for a pract, I used many powerpoint presentation to show concepts to my students.We had a unit on farm animals where I created powerpoints for each of the different farm animals.this was fun to create with the different pictures of the different life stages of animals and the sounds that these animals made.This brought in a real world experience for students who possibly have not seen these animals in real life. As "city kids" these students deserved to be engaged in real world activities even when access to these experiences is not possible.This is why powerpoint presentations are effective.

Windows Movie Maker....

Just like powerpoint, windows movie maker is a presentation software program that is also part of the Microsoft Office package.Movie maker gives you the tools to create, edit, and share home movies. Compile and edit a movie from video clips with drag-and-drop functionality. Add special effects, music, and narration with ease. Share your movie over the Web or master it to DVD media. This program allows students to create and edit their own movies and presentations in a fun and interesting way.Students can go through the process of taking pictures or movies with a camera or video camera to capture what ever it is that is desired and go through the process of editing those photos or films to create their own movies.

References- Microsoft ( 2008) Definition of moviemaker : viewed 14/8/10-
microsoft & (2000) What is microsoft powerpoint : view 14/8/10-

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