Sunday, August 29, 2010


In today’s society we only have to listen to conversation in the lunchroom at work, in the classroom at school or even listening to the news on the radio or TV to hear words like –Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Blogs.

These “Things” are all communication tools to link us to the wider community and the world.

Blogs (short for web Logs) are basically a personal online journal that is updated regularly for the entertainment or use for the general public as a communication tool. These websites allow individuals or groups to get their opinions heard/read about social issues, business, personal issues or for educational practices.

As an addicted user of Facebook and having had a few dalliances with Twitter and Myspace, ( as most uni students only have to look over your shoulder in the uni library computer room to see evidence of this social addiction)I like to think that I have kept pace with the ever new and evolving social networking and information based technologies, but I haven't had much to do with blogs. Let’s say I am not by any means an expert on blogs, however if we think of blogs in terms of being not that different to Facebook (a communication tool) then the term blog doesn’t seem so intimidating.

As a university student I can see how blogs can be an effective learning tool for myself as a student and as a future Learning Manager.Because blogs are essentially journals, a record of a learning journey can be effectively and efficiently logged to show a students progression throughout a learning experience.

Education Perspective-
Blogs provide a communication space that teachers can utilise with students whenever there is a curriculum need to develop writing, share ideas and reflect on work being undertaken in the classroom. From an education perspective the availability and ease of use of blogging software makes creating blogs a viable classroom activity and a means for teachers to communicate with other teachers.
(Deta 2010)
what does this mean for the curriculum?

Using ICT as a tool for learning enables students to:

  • Efficiently and effectively access digital information to assist with investigating issues, solving problems and decision making produce creative solutions to support learning and develop new understandings in areas of learning.
  • Communicate, share and work collaboratively in local and global environments
  • Understand the legal, ethical and health and safety implications of using ICT and their responsibilities as users and developers
  • Develop new thinking and learning skills to support learning. (Deta 2010)

ICTs and in particular blogs can be used in any KLA.Because blogs are effective at showing an individuals learning journey this makes it easier for a Learning Manager (LM) to track a students progress essentially making it easier on the LM to gather and record evidence for assessment and reporting purposes.(Deta 2010)


Department of education (2010) Resourcing the curriculum: viewed 9/8/10 (2000) Blogs : viewed 10/8/10,,sid8_gci214616,00.html

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